Monday, August 17, 2009

Caleb 5 months Old!

I blinked and 5 months have passed me by since my sweet Caleb was born. What a sweet blessing you are to our lives. That enormous gummy smile just melts my heart, but it won't be gummy much longer as two little teeth are just below the surface of the gums. We will see if you take after your brother and wait 13 months for those teeth right under the gums to come through. I think you will get them sooner though. Your toes are your most recent discovery and you have figured out how to get them in your mouth if you are sitting in the correct position. You still think your hands are the most amazing thing yet. You will all the sudden get a glimpse of them out of the corner of your eye and slowly move them in front of you, where you stare at them for a good 5 minutes. I think you have probably memorized every detail of your hands. Your two new favorite things are your exersaucer and jumpy seat in the doorway. You have quit sleeping from 9pm to 9am and now have decided to start waking up around 5 or 6am and not go back to sleep. It is quite hard on mommy, but I will manage. I am just going to try really hard to get you on a better schedule.  I love you so much and I am excited to watch you as you reach your half year point in the next month. There is so much in life ahead for you my sweet little Caleb.


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