Sunday, October 18, 2009

"sleep begets sleep"

There is this theory that "sleep begets sleep" and I think my children are out to prove it incorrect. It is impossible for sleep to beget sleep if you kids won't go to sleep in the first place! Benjamin is refusing naps lately, but he is so tired. Then he gets cranky etc. I have even just put him in his crib and left him there. It gets really quiet and I think "Oh success!" only to hear him jumping up and down in his bed a few minutes later. At bedtime now, Benjamin doesn't go to sleep like he used to. I would lay him down he would fuss a few minutes and go to sleep. Well now it has become play time until 11pm. I listened to him over our monitor last night playing in his bed, singing and talking about chocolate milk!

Here is his conversation that he kept saying


"Chocolate Milk"

"yumm....giggle giggle giggle"

I think just him talking about chocolate milk gave him a caffeine rush!

I guess the theory works a little better with Caleb because he is sleeping until around 7 now (not always) but it just exhausts us because we have to be up all night with one or the other so 7am seems SO EARLY!

Last night i got in bed at 9 something, Both kids were asleep (miracle!) and then I get jolted out of my sleep by Caleb screaming (not just his usual cry) so I go in there to find him soaked in pee! He had a night time diaper which is supposed to last 12 hours.. He had it on for 3 hours. He had also squirmed his way out of his covers and was freezing. Well his crying woke Benjamin up so now both boys are awake. I took caleb and got him all changed and cleaned up, got Benjamin back to sleep, got Caleb back to sleep... then went to bed myself... only to wake up to Benjamin's crying 1000 times during the night. UGH!!

I am counting down the days until we go out of town for our anniversary.. only 4 days to go!!!

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