Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lord You Are....

I am hoping this is a true testimony of how the Lord works. Last night around midnight I was turning out our porch lights and noticed a big black trash bag on our porch. I wanted to go out and see what it was, but Brad had already gone to bed and I thought it was weird so I didn't get it. This morning we got up at 4am with Caleb who is sick and finally around 7am I got the bag. It was a cardboard box and inside was a piece of paper that said

please forgiv me I found the Lord (it looks like a first grader wrote it)

Inside were many of the items that were stolen from our home. The digital camera, video camera, Ipod, DVD's, and two items I never knew were missing which were Brad's Humidor and a beautiful box that I have that has a key in it. Inside the box was every picture I had left of Bethany (my best friend who passed away.) We did not get the majority of the pictures back however we got some of them back. Among those pictures were all the pictures of Bethany in the hospital when she was suffering and battling cancer. Also inside was the program from her funeral.

I have been praying for this person who took our things ever since the day it happened. I can only hope this person really did find the Lord, obviously something happened for him to return our things. I am blown away. Recently I have really had a heart of compassion towards this person knowing that he is just a teenager and prayed and thought about him a lot. I just can't believe what the Lord can do!

I really think those pictures of Bethany probably had a huge impact on what happened. I am sure when he opened the box expecting to find money or something (because it was locked with a key) and instead he found pictures of someone in the hospital sick and then seeing her funeral program and the picture of her when she was well. I really think God used these pictures in this persons heart! This is of course my idea of what started a little fire in his heart.

Thank you Lord... Not that we have our things back, but that you are working in the life of this young person. I pray he is forever changed and that you have really have gotten hold of his heart! This is an amazing Christmas gift!

1 comment:

jim thompson said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! Praise Jesus!!! Oh, Lauren, this is so, so awesome! What an incredible Christmas gift - not only to have some of your stuff back but that HE seemed to have been changed too. I have no doubt that the pictures of Bethany touched him. No doubt whatsoever.

So good. So, so good.

-Sara T.

Who I am Through Pictures