I told you a few posts ago that I try at all costs to NEVER take all my boys to the store with me. Its just a nightmare. Last night I had planned out my meal for today and unfortunately it included going to the store with the kids. This morning I drank my coffee trying to think of a way to just not take them. If only I could leave them in the parking lot with the car running and the air on while they watch a movie. If i did that someone would probably call the cops on me, so obviously not a good choice. UGH.. I was just going to have to bite the bullet and bring the kids. I wrote out exactly what I needed in order of where it was in the store, so there would be no back and fourth and extra time in the store. I got the kids ready, and off we went. I threatened their lives on the mile drive to the store and told them exactly what I expected. I got yes ma'am's and was thinking alright this is going to go well. Then I opened the doors of the car and out they jumped into the parking lot (with not an ounce of concern for cars that could hit them) I am trying to get Elijah out while I am trying to yell over the car for them to remember that we are in a parking lot. We made it inside with out anyone getting hit. I put Elijah in the seat ( and forgot to put the strap around him) and everyone found their place. Benjamin walking and Caleb holding onto the side of the cart making it off balance and hard to turn, but its ok I can manage. Everything started out ok. I headed to produce and was getting cilantro and oregano and turn around and the older two boys are pulling bananas apart (you have to be kidding me) I reel them back in and threaten their lives again and reminded them that I was serious about their behavior. I am trying to quickly get our produce, then meat, and then i need to go to the dairy section and I am done. I got half way to the dairy section and they start. First Elijah starts to stand up.. I quickly strapped him him.. Then Benjamin and Caleb are trying to "Play" with Elijah and its getting louder.

Then the antics start and under the cart Caleb goes.... Elijah is pushing Benjamin out of his face, and Benjamin thinks its funny and egging Elijah on...
And then Caleb flipped around and over the edge of the bottom of the cart he goes. Hands to the floor.. PLEASE just get me out of here! Finally we got to check out and as I am trying to pay, Caleb has walked off and found this big squirt gun things that he is playing with. UGH! just put it down and get me out of this store!
And my friends, this is why I avoid going to the store with my kids at ALL costs!
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