Sunday, January 10, 2016

That time of Year

We got up this morning, got dressed and ready for church and Caleb was complaining about his tummy hurting. I gave him some pepto and told him to go use the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom still complaining about his stomach and then next thing I hear him throwing up everything on his stomach. So much for going to church. Brad still went with the other two boys, but I stayed home with Caleb.
Its just that time of year when sickness is all around. I don't know if Caleb is actually sick, or if it was just that his stomach was upset, but he is acting like himself now.  I just hope it isn't a virus working its way through our house.

I am still trying to get all the pictures from Christmas on the computer. I can't get them to upload for some reason. I will eventually get it so I can post from Christmas.

This week I finally got our house completely cleaned! What a great feeling it is to have the house completely done and just go room to room and know that it is clean. Now I am just working to try and keep it this way. I am not great at cleaning and laundry. I wish i was and I wish i was more concerned with it, but I'm not. I wish i was a bit of a neat freak. Anyway it feels so nice to know it is clean! Hopefully I can keep it up and not let it get to be such a mess again.

On another note, we hope to move into a new house this year. I am SO SO SO ready for my own house! SO READY!! It is hard to be patient, but it is also hard because there is nothing on the market we would consider at the moment either. I am just trying to be patient, I just want it to be here already and know where we will live.

Yesterday the boys had their basketball game and Caleb scored 6 points. He was SOOOO proud of himself. He could not stop smiling. It was fun to watch. After we got home,  Brads mom and Dave took the boys to a movie. They took all three of them. This was Elijah's first movie. I thought about not letting him go, so I could take him to his first movie, but honestly when I think about it, it is not a big deal that I didn't take him to his first movie. We will go to a movie together soon though.

Another new milestone happened last night. Elijah had gone 5 nights without wetting his pull up at night, so i said once he does 5 nights we will let him sleep in his undies. Last night was that night, so I made his bed with extra waterproof layers in case he did pee, and this morning he woke up DRY!!
Next on the list is to get rid of his boom boom, but I don't know who is less ready for that, Elijah or mommy? I know it needs to happen though. I am just not ready for my little guy to grow up, it makes me sad.

Well that is all for the moment.

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