Sunday, June 5, 2022

Run Forest Run!

On the road again... headed to Page, AZ this time.  We got packed up and ready to go while the kids were all still sleeping or just waking up. We needed to stop on our way out to wash the windshield of the RV. It was amazing how well we could see once it was clean again. 

On the drive, the scenery was of course diverse and beautiful. I have been so amazed how each state can be so different just a 10 minuted drive away. I have been blown away at this amazing country we live in and we are just seeing a small portion of it. We saw the iconic "Mexican Hat" rock on our drive. This is right before you get to the town of Mexican Hat. 

On the way to Page, AZ we were able to stop at the spot where Forest Gump stops running in the movie and says "I think I want to go home now." 

It was fun to stop and remember that scene with Monument Valley in the background. 

We continued on to Monument Valley. We read ahead of time that you can't drive the 17 mile loop in monument valley in an RV, but the visitor center had great views. We got to the visitor center and they charge. you per person in your vehicle to get in to the visitor center. It is on an Indian Reservation so they can charge whatever they want to see it. We enjoyed the overlook and gift shop. Benjamin found a cowboy hat he really liked. We got a sticker for the RV as well. The pictures were nice from the visitor center and we really didn't feel like we needed to drive the loop or that we were missing out by not doing it. 

We got back in the RV and back on the road. 

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