Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Break In... Update

I can't say too much at this point because things are still in the process. Supposedly someone was arrested at the end of the week. It is who I originally thought it was (which was not the person on the reciept for the pawn shop) . The sad thing is that he is only 16 years old. I honestly feel sorry for this kid. The 19 year old who's name was on the pawn shop reciept took the 16 year old to sell the item because he was not old enough to sell it in a pawn shop. He has so much life ahead of him and he is starting it like this. As of right now due to the weird way the law works, he is only being charged with possession of stolen property and not burglary. This could change for many different reasons.
Now I did discover how our house was broken into... Our back door automatically locks from the outside if the button is turned on the inside. So I got Benjamin out of the car and put him in the house. I set my things down and walked out to get Caleb out of his carseat. Next thing I hear Benjamin slams the back door shut. So I am stuck outside with Caleb, no cell phone, no keyes, and it was freezing! Not to mention my two year old is running around the house by himself. So... I run up to the storage shed and get a screwdriver and come back and go to jimmy the door open.. it immediately popped open and took about 20 seconds for me to do. There was no visible damage to the door, so I know this is how they got in our house. It was way too easy and we used to leave without bolting the door. Anyway.... We will have the opportunity to go to court whenever his date is set to talk to the judge about what was missing etc. So as of right now this is all I am able to say.
We will have all new locks installed tomorrow which makes me feel a lot better. This whole situation is so unfortunate...

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