Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree...

How lovely are your branches.... We went and got our Christmas tree last weekend. This was Caleb's first experience in getting a tree. He smiled and waved his arms in excitement as usual. It was a nice crisp evening and we had Christmas music playing in the car. We go to the same christmas tree lot every year and have always found a wonderful tree. On our way to the tree lot, Benjamin fell fast asleep in the car. This was due to him skipping his nap for the day and only having quiet time in his crib. We got all bundled up and picked out our tree. It was so fun this year because Benjamin was really into it once he woke up. He thought it was really fun to play in the buckets of water where trees had been sold. He also kept getting sap on his hands and would keep saying "sticky... wash your hands." This year we got an 8 foot tree. Benjamin was pretty excited about getting the tree and putting it on our car.. On the way home he kept saying "more tree." When we got home Benjamin got to help daddy with the tools and hammer the stand into the tree. He thought it was great! We had a lot of fun.

Sound asleep upon arrival at the tree lot.

Playing with sticks in the empty tree buckets
Our family picture! I really love this picture and it is rare to get both boys looking at the camera.

Daddy warming up some cold little hands as they watched the tree being tied to the car.

The boys in their carseats ready to take the tree home.
Helping daddy get the stand into the tree.
Excited about the tree that is in our house.

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