Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bottle it Up...

If I could just bottle up all the sweet things my kids say:  The past two nights I have been camping out on the couch because Brad has been sick and I don't want to catch it. This morning I woke up (on the tired and grumpy side) and Caleb came and sat next to me and said "Mommy you are pretty in the morning... not georgous just pretty."

On another note at 4 am this morning I woke up to someone making noise in our playroom. I freaked out for a second and then got up and found Caleb in there picking up a notebook and a few toys and putting them on the shelves. I honetly don't know if he was awake or asleep, but today he told me he was afraid someone would move them or mess them up. Then at 5am I woke up to Caleb standing next to the couch just staring at me! No talking, no heavy breathing, just staring at me! It freaked me out.

So today was day 2 of P90x3 and it kicked my tail. I was a sweaty mess. I wanted to quit at 15 minutes, but I kept going and finished all 30. I can't quite do everything, but I did well. It is going to take a little time to get it right and know what I am doing with the routines. I am also eating well and drinking my shakology. This is the year of change for me. As a person, in my appearance, in my attitude towards my children etc. I am making changes and it is not happening unless I set my mind to it! AMEN!

So yesterday I was doing pushups with the exercise, and Elijah was running around the room while I was exercising. When he saw me doing them, he came over sat on the ground and when I would do a pushup he would put his nose on the floor. It was so cute. I guess he thinks he is also doing push ups. I am going to get a video of him doing it. He was doing it again tonight when I was showing Brad what he was doing yesterday. He is such a cutie.

Tomorrow I am going to go get some training at my dads office to start doing some zoning work from home. Brad is still trying to get his real estate business rolling and we need some extra income, so I am going to do what I can to help out, yet still be at home.

Here is a little picture view of other things going on latelty. I took Elijah to the store with me today and gave him a store ad and this is what he was doing. He looked like a little old man reading his paper.

 Here is my P90x3 and my shake for the day. This will be a part of my life for the next 90 days. Yay!

 Elijah has figured out how to make his horse rock. Caleb ripped the reins off of the horse, so they are no longer on it.
 This is me after a run in 38 degree weather... What is wrong with me??
 Elijah exercising with "smart cat" on PBS- he was trying so hard to do what he was doing on TV

The boys spent some time with Nana and PawPaw the other day and pawpaw ate some red Jelly beans so the boys put him in timeout. 
 It has been unusually cold here. Lows of 7 and 14 degrees! My boys were on a 3 hour delay because of the cold weather. It had to do with kids being at bus stops etc. I was dropping Benjamin off at school and overheard the assistant principal telling the police officer that he had one kid show up in shorts! It was about 10 degrees by that time! SO SAD and what is wrong with some parents???
So thats about all that is going on the last few days. 

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