Elijah had his 15 month well check last week and he is just going to stay a little guy. He was 19lbs 14oz which placed him in the 2%. He is growing though. His pediatrician is not worried about him. He will probably grow up to be bigger than the other two boys. I guess we shall see. He is very healthy though and everything is going well.
Elijah loves books! He loves to just sit in my lap and talk about the pictures. He also loves his bed. When he is tired he will just walk to his door and put his head on the door, waiting for someone to put him in bed. Or he will come and lay his head on your lap or on the couch. This week I told him to go in his room and get his pants and sure enough he went to his room and came back with a pair of pants. Smart little guy. When it is bedtime we can also tell him to go get his jammies and he will go get some and come back into the living room and lay on the floor waiting for someone to put the jammies on him. He has started this new thing of walking up to me on the couch and making kissing sounds, so I bend down to let him give me a kiss, but he doesn't want to kiss my cheeks, he wants to kiss my lips. Then he will say "bye-bye, ca" bye bye car and walk to the door to go get in the car. It is really cute.
His words right now consist of
mama, dada, nana, pa-pa, wow, wa-wa (this is milk), ba-ba (bottle), boom boom (his pacifier), ni-ni (nite, nite), ba (ball), do (like doe for door), ca (car), bapac (backpack), bye bye, all done, mo (more)
his animal sounds are: dog, cat, cow, wolf, bird
He is a good little sleeper when he is not teething. Right now he has 4 lower teeth and the two laterals on the top. His two middle teeth have not come in yet, but we are praying they do soon, because they are hurting him a lot and causing a lot of sleepless nights.
Elijah is such a joy in my life. He is so happy, smiley, sweet, cuddly, and affectionate. He has the best little personality and there is no other word that I can think of than he just brings me joy. What a blessing he is in my life. I wouldn't trade him for anything! The good Lord knew I needed that sweet little one added to my life.
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