We left on the evening of July 3rd to head up to the lake for the nice long weekend. It just happened that Brad had a showing to do somewhere near the lake, so it worked out perfectly. My parents, Brandon and his wife Kathryn, and my parents neighbord all headed up to the lake for a nice weekend of boating and fun on the lake. This was the first year we have ever been able to stay for the actual 4th and see the fireworks on the lake. It was a lot of fun. The boys did tons of fishing and swimming. They have really turned into fish this summer.
Elijah had double ear infections on July 3rd and had to be put on a stronger medication because he had just recovered from double ear infections. The medication absolutely made him crazy. I have never seen him so wild in all my life. He was running all around the house screaming and laughing. Finally at 1 am he fell asleep. I had gone up around 12am to put him to bed and he just stood in his pack n play jumping. I crawled in bed hoping he would fall asleep and the next thing I knew there he was in bed with me. He climbed out of his pack n play and climbed up the bottom of the bed. (Here we come toddler bed.)
Needless to say the next day (the 4th) Elijah was exhausted and slept for a few hours on the boat.
Getting ready to go see the fireworks.
Enjoying a fun time on the boat with the one I love
We went early and claimed an island for the day. Brandon, Kathryn, Brad and the Kids and I all went early to get everything set up. We later went back and picked everyone up and we all spent the day on the island. We had a tent that Dad got to set up. We got it all out of the bag and ready to set up and realized there was no canopy top, just a structure. OOPS!
Elijah got a black eye on July 2nd. Caleb was playing a game and swinging a paddle. Elijah walked by at exactly the wrong time and got hit in the eye.
We had some sparklers that the kids enjoyed playing with on the porch. Even e
This is Benjamin pouting at an island because we ran out of worms and he couldn't fish anymore. Look at that LIP!
Elijah went on the jet ski for the first time with daddy. He had fun. The day before he wanted nothing to do with it.We got to roast some marshmallows. Elijah was covered in marshmallow.
We ended our weekend with a trip to the Tikki Hut. We just had drinks because Brad couldn't eat anything after getting food poisoning there last time we went.
We had a great 4th of July with Family and Friends.
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