I do not like New Years, but I do like a fresh start and a starting point for new goals. I am not really a resolutions person because I make a few and stick to... oh i don't know.... NONE. This year I decided to make a vision board with the goals I would like to accomplish, or the things I would like do in order to better myself.
I have some HUGE goals this year and some that are just small. I am ready to make some changes in ME. I am 32 years old and have formed some bad habits or lack of habits that I really want to change. I can only be a better person by making those changes. So what in the world am I going to do this year??
Here is the jist of my "vision board"
1. Weight Loss- I have 48 lbs to lose! IT is time for health and to continue the journey i started last year.
2. Do more activities with the kids. Fun outings to the park or something like that.
3. Complete P90x3-lean (I should complete it April 4th)
4. The Orange Rhino Challenge- This is my biggest goal this year (more on that later)
5. More time with my female friends. I don't have a sister and friendship is very important to me.
6. Make better food choices.
7. To eliminate a large portion of our debt- this is credit cards etc that we had to live off of for a while and we have knocked out a large portion of it, but I would love to see our debt gone, to move us to #8
8. Buying a house this year! YAY for more space!
9. To learn to respond in love before reacting in anger (this goes along with # 4)
10. Read 12 books this year. (I love to read, but I fall asleep reading, so this would actually be a big accomplishment. )
11. To spend less time on my phone. I plan to turn my phone off between 4 and 8 pm each day to focus on my family. (this also includes only playing my 5 lives on candy crush each night after the kids go to bed and no more) (i have had an addiction to this stupid game)
12. To wash my face daily and use face cream. - I know this will probably freak people out, but I don't ever wash my face. I bought from Roden and Fields and I am not about to waste my money.
13. More one on one time with Brad and each of the boys
14. Spend more time doing my daily devotionals and spending time with the Lord.
15. To say NO more. I am such a yes person. I dont want to hurt peoples feelings, or disappoint them etc so I always say yes to things. I however find that as I am working to complete those things, I end up fighting with my kids or stressed out because I am trying to do so much other stuff. My job is my kids! I need to spend the time with them, so I am going to say NO to many more things.
16. I am going to stop reading the news. (I don't ever watch the news) There is way too much depressing news and I am tired of being heavy hearted by what I read.
17. More date nights with Brad
18. one of my other BIG goals is to try and get the boys in private school. I really want my boys to go to private school, but it is so expensive, but hopefully we can find a way to make it happen.
So these are my GOALS this year. It is a lot and I am excited to get started.
Tomorrow is my start day. Jan 5, 2015. I am a "start on Monday" type of person. I don't start things in the middle of the week (at least not goals etc. ) So tomorrow is my "January first."
I am all ready, meals planned and I am ready to go. I have a wall of numbers counting down the pounds I am going to lose this year. I am going to also be starting P90x3-lean tomorrow. I am so ready to say goodbye to the holiday food and unhealthy treats. I am ready to eat well and feel good again. I unfortunately gained 10 lbs back, making my goal longer to reach. I am determined though.
So here is to 2015- Lets do this!
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