I said there would be more to come on this. I am excited and terrified by this goal this year. I am a mom to 3 very active, loud boys. I don't often feel "heard" unless I am yelling at them to do this or that or stop this or that etc. I am FOREVER yelling at my kids. I can control it in public (no one wants to be seen as a yelling mom) but for some reason it is so hard to control at home. My kids are the loves of my life and I don't ever want to have them think I am the mean mom or to remember mommy always yelling. So yes, I admit I am a mom who yells, but I am also admitting that I am a mom who WANTS CHANGE. I am done being the yelling mom. So how in the world am I going to do this?
Last year I came across the blog "The Orange Rhino" and I read the story about this mom of 4 boys who decided to change. I was going to do the challenge last year, but I tried for a few days and it just didn't work. So this year I bought the book and I am COMPLETELY committed to make this change. I want to look back after raising my boys and say "I don't have regrets." At least not in this area. (I don't know if any parent can look back and wish something hadn't been done differently)
I technically started the Orange Rhino Challenge on January 3rd 2015. Day 1 was easier than I had imagined it would be. It was a cold and rainy day and my kids had not been outside in days. They had either been sick or I was sick or it was raining. I knew the day would be a disaster if I didnt get it under control. The fighting began between the older two and I calmly came up with an idea and put an end to it. The day ended with calm children who were not fighting with each other or me. I thought to myself "This is going to be easier than I thought." Ha ha joke was on me.
Day 2 (Today) was yet another rainy day. I could tell that the stir craziness was setting in and I was tired from staying up late over Christmas break watching movies and enjoying quiet time at night. The boys started fighting and then it was just getting loud and when I tried to calmly get it to stop, Caleb started in on his quick snappy fits, where he throws himself down with this pouty loud growl and that is my trigger and he knows it. I could feel my blood starting to boil, and I reminded myself to stay calm. This happened many times today and somehow by the Grace of God, I stayed calm. However when Brad called after being at the CVS Minute Clinic for 3 hours ("minute" clinic my ass) to tell me his antibiotic was going to cost $100.00, he became my verbal punching bag, and all my frustrations that I had kept in from the day came out angry at him for not going to the doctor sooner, and he had messed up my afternoon of grocery shopping and going to use my Kohls cash because he took so long at the doctor etc. I didn't realize that prior to my "No yelling days," yelling was my stress relief for those oh so often stressful moments in my day. (I yelled a lot) UGH!! But I did it, I didn't yell again today. I did have to get out of the house without children though because I could feel my blood boiling. I am glad day 3 starts P90x3-lean because I am going to need a stress relief.
I am determined and motivated to make this goal a reality. I want to speak quietly and kindly to my boys and it is going to happen in 2015.
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