This morning I wasn't sure if I would make it through the day without losing it. I felt like I was up with Elijah a lot (He is getting molars) and then he decided around 5 am it was time to get up and eat. I could hear him in his room "Mommy... hungy." So I went and got him and let him cuddle in our bed, but we all know you can't sleep with a child in bed (at least not a 2 year old.) I was tired from staying up late and then had a semi restless night, so it was off to a "great" start. Not to mention the kids were on a 3 hour delay for school today because it was 9 degrees this morning. We are not prepared here in the south for weather quite that cold. By the time I got up my older boys were in the midst of already being hyperactive and loud. Then trying to get them to get dressed for school was impossible. I texted my friend and told her I was about to lose it, so I just needed to vent. I survived by the skin of my teeth and got them to school. I felt a little on edge all day, deadlines for some of the jobs I was working on and not being able to get answers, I felt bad because on days I work, I use the TV as a babysitter for Elijah. Just not an all around great day. I ended up surviving it though and have made it through Day 6 without yelling! YAY ME!! I even kept my cool today when Caleb hauled off and punched Benjamin in the eye. I heard it from the kitchen and immediately knew I could easily lose it. I looked at him and just said "get in your room" in a stern, but calm manner.
I also didn't get to exercise this morning due to the kids schedule and me working. I was able to fit it in this evening and felt so much better. My brother in law got the boys punching gloves and a punching bag for Christmas and I think it is going to become another way for me to have some stress relief when things are getting hairy.
So that is the update for today. I am proud of myself and I feel so much better being the mom I honestly have always wanted to be.
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